Tag Archives: MATLAB

Introduction to MATLAB Graphical User Interface (GUI) and its applications.

It is well known to us that MATLAB has wide range of applications in field of engineering, technology, science as well as in medical fields.
MATLAB is built around a programming language, and as such it’s really designed with tool-building in mind. Guide extends
MATLAB’s support for rapid coding into the realm of building GUIs. Guide is a set of MATLAB tools designed to make building GUIs easier and faster. Just as writing math in MATLAB is much like writing it on paper, building a GUI with Guide is much like drawing one on paper. As a result, you can lay out a complex graphical tool in minutes. Once your buttons and plots are in place, the Guide Callback Editor lets you set up the MATLAB code that gets executed when a particular button is pressed. 

The main advantage of GUI is that it is too much user friendly, the only thing that required is to assign a particular sets of inputs to have a desired output. It is not such that user must have extensive knowledge of MATLAB in order to play or do computation with GUI. The MATLAB can be easily be converted into application so that each and every user can be benefited by it. Here are some examples which I have done to show the effectiveness of GUI.

1) Power Factor Improvement:

All of we know the theory behind the power factor improvement. There are several methods of increasing power factor, well I am not going into the theory, my main purpose is to demonstrate how GUI can be employed in order to calculate the value of capacitor so that the desired power factor can be achieved. In this GUI, we need to input initial power factor and required power factor. After inputting these values when we press on calculate GUI shows the value of capacitor required in order to have specified power factor.



2) Plotting VI curve of solar cell:



3) Calculating equivalent circuit parameter of transformer:



4) Calculating maximum power delivered across the load:



5) Electrical Design of Transmission Line:



These are very few examples which I have done in MATLAB GUI. Beside this, you can build several GUI as per your requirement.

If you guys,need any help regarding then feel free to contact me.


-Anand Mandal                                                                                                                                                                                            anandkalyaneee@gmail.com


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